I first heard the term "Shift Happens" at a Cheetah Learning PMP crash course. I liked the phrase and use it a lot at work. Project managers always have to deal with change and this was nice way to remind myself that change happens (in work and life) and you need to deal with it. I decided to put a "z" at the end instead of an "s" since someone took shifthappens.blogspot.com
Turns out a motivational speaker named James Feldman claimed the domain shifthappens.com so that was out too.
I did create shifthappens over at my old stomping grounds, AOL Journals, but decided I would wanted to use Blogger instead. I know that some of my friends at AOL might not be happy with my choice. Since I am going to be touching on some work related thoughts I figured I should not use the platform of my old job. Ebay's blogging platform isn't much to write home about so I settled with Google's Blogger.