Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Blog

We launched a blog last week called What's In Store.

"We’re here to share expert online shopping tips, discuss the latest trends, and most importantly, to create a new forum for online shoppers to share practical and useful information with each other. We hope to offer something for everyone, from active online shoppers to holiday-only gift buyers."

It's main focus is shopping but maybe we'll get a few mentions of some of things we're doing on and

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

SF Giants going solar - COOL

Googleis doing it and so are the San Francisco Giants.

I think this is great news and I look forward to hearing more news like this in the near future. I think it's very important that all these large buildings/structures start exploring ways to reduce their consumption.

What's even more impressive is that the panels were installed within days of the announcement. Usually these things take months/years to happen.

I wonder if the panels had anything to do with the new HD scoreboard?

Does anyone else have any corporate solar news??

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Time for blogging

I'm going to make a pledge right here, right now, to put some more time into blogging.

There you have it. More posts to come.....

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Please fix my calendar!!!

The time change has been wonderful outside of work, the sun is out later and my daughter sleeps in. At work, it's a mess. Everything is 1 hour off and not everyone is on the same timezone/hour. It's resulted in meetings being schedule with the time (that the organizer wants the meeting to occur) being put in the subject line.

Anyone else having this problem? Oh and before you comment on the MS patches, I've run them and so have other people. Nothing works, I guess it will stay like this for another month. :-(